“According to the Greatest Happiness Principle, as above explained, the ultimate end, with reference to and for the sake of which all other things are desirable (whether we are considering our own good or that of other people), is an existence exempt as far as possible from pain, and as rich as possible in enjoyments, both in point of quantity and quality; the test of quality, and the rule for measuring it against quantity, being the preference felt by those who in their opportunities of experience, to which must be added their habits of self-consciousness and self-observation, are best furnished with the means of comparison. This, being, according to the utilitarian opinion, the end of human action, is necessarily also the standard of morality; which may accordingly be defined, the rules and precepts for human conduct, by the observance of which an existence such as has been described might be, to the greatest extent possible, secured to all mankind; and not to them only, but, so far as the nature of things admits, to the whole sentient creation.”



To me, Mills is saying that the most desirable feelings are the ones that provide pleasure or replace and numb pain not just for our selves but for others as well. Whatever the situation be, what we desire is pleasure and rid of pain. We all have different situations, views, and feelings, but that does not change that the overall want is pleasure and happiness. We all have a different reason and way of achieving these things which is where human conduct and morality come in. Because we all differ in desire and “morality” as a whole, our roads and reasons come across is different ways. We, as human kind, differ in all aspects but what makes us similar is our overall chase of pure happiness. ?


I chose this quote because not only does it explain my view on happiness but it shows the importance of individual happiness and how they all differ from each other. I am a strong believer that happiness and internal drives differs for every person based on their upbringing and mental functioning level as well as their stories. This whole philosophy, especially this paragraph summarizes my overall viewpoint on happiness. 


The quality of pleasure is the amount of pleasure and/or happiness that one receives from a certain action or event. You can receive a small amount of pleasure from one thing and a large amount from another based on which you desire more. Quality is in my eyes, is the overall amount of pleasure you receive from something which can differ person to person based on what that something is in regard to internal desires. I agree with mills in his idea of morality and in a way it does discriminate against certain groups or cultures but not in a negative way. Your culture can differ from my culture which has different guidelines which overall gives different pleasures. Some cultures tell you what your pleasure is and other, like ours, gives us the freedom to find them ourselves whether they are socially right or wrong. 

Higher pleasures are something that is internally more internally more satisfying than something else. With this internal feeling of pleasure and happiness you are more apt to act in a way that achieves this satisfaction. Something of lower pleasure would of course be fought for because it still provides satisfaction but would not be desired as much as something that gives you complete internal satisfaction. In terms of  morality, it almost cant be morally right or wrong because it is individualized and these individual desires and how to satisfy them is based on the components I stated earlier.  i do believe things that provide higher pleasure have greater value. Something that provides more pleasure is going to be more valuable to you than something that provides less. 

Utilitarianism is all about reducing the negative and finding happiness as long as it has no negative impact on others. Now is this asking to much of people, in a sense yes. Most people find happiness through living purely for themselves which inevitably will impact someone else in a negative light. With every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 



I chose this picture because with Muslim religion has a set of rules that must be followed. They are told that this is what makes them happy even if it does not satisfy them as a person which overall does cause a negative impact on these people as an individual. this is a group that would not fit into Mills ideas.

To Whom it May Concern, 

I am responding to your letter I recently read. I do not blame you for the way you are feeling, nor do I disagree. I am 22 years old and everyone in my family in either in the medical field or an aspiring medical professional. Due to this, we all have anointed health care proxy’s and had to discuss our views on treatment in all different medical circumstances. 

Good information for you to know might be the fact that it is your right as a patient to refuse any medical treatment for any reason. Also, if you have an anointed health care proxy you might want to discuss with them your wishes and make sure that you have labeled yourself a DNR (do not resuscitate ) and DNT (do not transport). I know this may sound awful that I am giving you advice on your decision, but I do believe in free will and choice. 

You are an older man who I believe is filled with wisdom beyond our own and think that you can make decisions wisely, hence why I support your ideas. This would be different for an adolescent. They do have vaccines but it is illegal to administer them due to the ethical issues such as the argument of “the value of life.” 

I support your approach because my personal view is very similar. I believe, if someone is terminally ill and have lived a long healthy life and do not wish to continue treatment, it is not immoral. But many factors play into this such as age, decision making abilities, and overall, HEALTH. This topic is such an ethical controversy but remember, you may not be able to be injected and have things instantly, but you can refuse treatment and make sure things are done the way you’d like when you are unable to physically speak them. 

I admire your courage to say how you are feeling because most people would not be able to say that out loud. You seem like a wise man who is completely capable of making his own decisions and I trust your judgement. I wish you nothing but peace and happiness from here on out, and remember, your decision is your own, don’t let anyone change the way you are feeling. 


Alysia Clouthier



I did not talk about Kant in this letter because to me it did not feel right to make a reference like that when you are trying to be personal with someone making scholarly references just felt out of place. But in my opinion, Kant would oppose the idea of immunization. He would not stray his ideas away from categorical imperative because this idea would be immoral in regards to this imperative.

“Nor could anything be more fatal to morality than that we should wish to derive it from examples. For every example of it that is set before me must be first itself tested by principles of morality, whether it is worthy to serve as an original example, i.e., as a pattern; but by no means can it authoritatively furnish the conception of morality. Even the Holy One of the Gospels must first be compared with our ideal of moral perfection before we can recognise Him as such; and so He says of Himself, “Why call ye Me (whom you see) good; none is good (the model of good) but God only (whom ye do not see)?” But whence have we the conception of God as the supreme good? Simply from the idea of moral perfection, which reason frames a priori and connects inseparably with the notion of a free will. Imitation finds no place at all in morality, and examples serve only for encouragement, i.e., they put beyond doubt the feasibility of what the law commands, they make visible that which the practical rule expresses more generally, but they can never authorize us to set aside the true original which lies in reason and to guide ourselves by examples.”


People assume that moral principles must apply to all rational beings at all places during all times. Moral principles must therefore be based on concepts of reason, as opposed to  culture or personality. The goal of this is to develop a clearer understanding of moral principles, so that people may better avoid distractions.

It is almost impossible to find examples of pure moral actions. Nearly every action we observe can be credited to some interest or motivation other than pure morality. But this is not wrong because moral principles come from reason, not from experience. Moral principles could not come from experience, because all experiences depend on particular circumstances, whereas moral principles must have absolute validity, separate from all circumstances.


when I read this paragraph it makes me think about how we would even know what morally correct is. We base everything we know about morals and being “pure” based on religious figures and books about religious figures but we still do not know what is right and what is wrong. Everyone has an internal drive to do certain things but that doesn’t mean they are correct. We all have certain influences that mold us and make us who we are which not only changes our views on right and wrong but makes our actions different as well. There is not pure soul or pure person besides the Gods we as humans created and who’s to say that those ideas or right and wrong are morally and purely correct. 


What is the difference between the categorical and hypothetical imperative? Do you agree with Kant that we must follow the categorical imperative when making moral choices? Why or why not?

Hypothetical Imperative: applies to someone dependent on  them having certain ends to the meaning such as: If I am thirsty then I have to drink something, or If I wish to understand something, I must learn it. 

Categorical imperatives: denotes an absolute and unconditional requirement that asserts its authority in all circumstances, both required and justified as an end in itself.  This is best known in its first formulation: Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.

What does Kant mean by dignity, intrinsic worth, and autonomy? How are these concepts related?  How are they different from your own understanding of these concepts?

 Kant describes autonomy as the ratio and self-actualization power of a person or their moral responsibility. Kant ascribes his view on intrinsic value as positive intrinsic value only to a good will, where anything else is extrinsic. This intrinsic worth is what Kant also sees as ones dignity. These all tie together. Autonomy is what makes intrinsic worth which is overall, dignity. These concepts are similar to my own. I perceive dignity as following your intrinsic morals which are “good” in the terms of yourself and the rest of humanity. i do believe it is an obligation to follow your “autonomy” because that is following your intrinsic worth and making you dignified. 

One criticism of Kant’s ethical position is that it overemphasizes abstract principles and rules of justice and rationality over subjective emotions like empathy and love. Do you feel that this criticism is justified? Why or why not?

I do not believe this is a valid criticism. Every human being feels empathy and love which is what makes us human. It is a weakness and both a strength. these are feelings we can not control because it is human nature, not intrinsic worth. These are not based on our moral upbringing or environmental factors but purply on being human.



I believe in  being yourself, loving other, living on happiness, striving for the top and never letting anything stop you. Die with people knowing your smile not your story.


1.  Who I am:

My name is Alysia Clouthier. I am 22 years old and currently in my senior year looking to obtain my degree in Human Communication and Disorders. I have a younger brother who I am extremely close with and two parents who are like my best friends. I love my friends. I live with my best friend and have two cats and a new puppy who I love more than anything. I am very outspoken and social. I love to laugh and smile. I live in the moment and love a thrill. I strive on happiness and positive energy. my best qualities are that I’m big hearted and will do anything for the people I care about. I am trustworthy and always look out for what is best for people. I’m a great person to confide in and think I give good advice (even though I cant take it myself) I can sometimes be very hard headed and set in my ways which can cause conflict. My main virtues are honesty, compassion, understanding, caring, loving, free-spirited and openminded.

2. Goals and Happiness:

My main goal that I am currently striving for is to become a Speech Pathologist specializing in early intervention for children who are on the autism spectrum. For those of you who do not know, toddlers who have been diagnosed with autism are usually involved in early intervention. If the child is not verbal by the age of 5, it is determined that they will never be verbal and alternative communication devices are then the focus of therapy. This is a stressful, crucial, and time consuming therapy approach but it is something that makes me feel complete happiness. Happiness to me is feeling satisfaction by doing something beneficial for yourself which also benefits someone else. A good deed daily could change the world.





I do not think this show exploits the participants because it is their choice. I believe people are capable of making their own decisions and I don’t judge them based on that. Shows like this derive from the constant pressure the media puts on everyone to be this size, that eye color, etc. Everyone wants to be what society says is attractive and it is advertised so much that we do not know any different. Everyone assumes the only attribute you need is to be beautiful but in my eyes, you can be barbie and if your ugly on the inside your physically ugly to me as well. The media says be skinny, so we try to be that. Its things like that which cause anorexia, bulimia, crash diets and death. I love strong females who rebel against the “acceptable” appearance the media has created. I myself rebel against the “picture perfect” image. I love tattoos, I like to make a statement in a way thats different and I’m very happy not being a tooth pick. I know I’m not perfect and I have no desire to be. Confidence is key, the media wants to break this confidence not only to create a world filled with barbie zombie but to take your money. Plastic surgery is on a high rise. We need bigger boobs, smaller stomaches, higher eye brown and god only knows what else, whats next, smaller knee caps? I can see why someone would want to get small touch up because we all know we have that one thing we hate but to completely change yourself? Its ridiculous. Id rather be one of the ugliest people in the world than be a victim to societies barbie doll revolution. BE YOUR OWN PERSON, MAKE A STAND, LOVE YOURSELF! what makes anyone think happiness can come from being beautiful? the people who surround you because your beautiful wont be the ones walking you down the ail or holding your child or even helping you up after you trip. Your beauty is a reflection of your internal drives. the most beautiful people are the ones with the purest intentions and biggest hearts. You can not hide THAT beauty that shines through their eyes which makes them physically beautiful. Plastic surgery doesn’t fix the underlying problem or make you a better person. Instead of paying $10,000 for a boob job go feed the homeless who die everyday, go save a puppy go do anything besides being weak and insecure. be strong and bold.

What would Aristotle Say?

He would think this was absolutely disgusting. The quote i picked out for the previous assignment, in my opinion, would be his response. Materialism doesn’t make happiness, it makes you weak.


This shows plastic surgery gone wrong and I think it demonstrates the drastic measures people go through to make themselves feel “better” 

Would you ever go to to this extreme to be “socially attractive?” What about virtues?


This article breaks down why people get plastic surgery. Ask yourself while reading this how much influence the media has had on these people.


“Let us resume our inquiry and state, in view of the fact that all knowledge and every pursuit aims at some good, what it is that we say political science aims at and what is the highest of all goods achievable by action. Verbally there is very general agreement; for both the general run of men and people of superior refinement say that it is happiness, and identify living well and doing well with being happy; but with regard to what happiness is they differ, and the many do not give the same account as the wise. For the former think it is some plain and obvious thing, like pleasure, wealth, or honour; they differ, however, from one another- and often even the same man identifies it with different things, with health when he is ill, with wealth when he is poor; but, conscious of their ignorance, they admire those who proclaim some great ideal that is above their comprehension. Now some thought that apart from these many goods there is another which is self-subsistent and causes the goodness of all these as well. To examine all the opinions that have been held were perhaps somewhat fruitless; enough to examine those that are most prevalent or that seem to be arguable.”

W.D. Ross, Aristotle. The Internet Classic Archives. Nicomachean Ethics. Massachusetts Institute of Techonology. Web. 10 September 2013.

What this means to ME

This quote in my eyes addresses that Happiness is not acquired through materialistic aspects but by the simple things. Materialistic things detach a person from wisdom do to the lack of experience of life. The struggles people face in life mold character, create wisdom and knowledge due to exposure, create pure happiness due to lack of the luxurious life and create a better person. Happiness comes from a fulfillment within which can not be bought. When I read this quote the first thing I thought about was MONEY CAN NOT BUY HAPPINESS.  Money can make life easier but what is life with out strength? and how can you become strong without struggle? Aristotle bring forth the conclusion that the poor man is the most wealthy because of the view point he has. The poor man sees life for how simply beautiful it is and enjoys every once of what it has to offer whereas the wealthy man ignores the simplicity and elegance of the world around him. The difference in happiness comes from the environment around you. 

Why did I choose this quote?

I have to say I do like the finer things in life. I love to shop, buy new things and spend money. I work very hard to have the things that I have but each day I do feel as though I miss out on other things in life that could be more fufilling than retail therapy. My view of happiness is simply love to love and love being loved. I may take what the world has to offer physically but I do not think money can buy happiness. Happiness to be is a continuos journey which changes based on your current situation, environment and surroundings. I believe everyone has a goal in life which they believe will lead to ultimate happiness but happiness itself is something that changes and is a short term goal. Life throws unexpected twists, bends and corners which causes what you desire to achieve happiness to change. Happiness to me is like an outline, you have a broad viewpoint on what makes you happy and many subtitles which will help you achieve that happiness in a different way based on your situation. Money can not achieve these things. Money provides security but prevents experience, pain, wisdom, respect, work ethic, etc. You struggle in life especially financially to be happy with what you have and not to expect anything. Money can prevent many personality traits that make you able to deal with life. Whats money when your completely incapable of living? This quote seems to show how money prevents damage, and damage is needed to live in happiness. 


Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Alysia Clouthier and I am a senior at Worcester State. Sorry this is so late! I had some technical difficulties with my computer and this Website! Well a little about me, I’m 22 and studying Speech Pathology. Im from Worcester and reside here now. I’m a bartender and love working. I keep my plate full 247 because I love to be busy. I’m a huge bruins and pats fan and love this time of year for that reason! I’m open minded and free spirited. I look forward to having class with you all! 🙂